Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

The Benefits of Aloe Vera
Before we delve into a discussion of the health benefits of aloe vera, it is a good idea to distinguish between the different terms that apply to two kinds of aloe products as manufacturers, confusingly, use these terms interchangeably.

Aloe vera gel is the part obtained from the center of the inner leaf and is the one used for healing attributes.

Aloe vera juice, the drug aloe, is a bitter substance found just beneath the skin of the leaf and is commonly used in laxative preparations.

As stated, aloe vera gel is the part known for healing effects and we will refer to this part when talking about the benefits of aloe vera.

* A Skin Healer

Humankind has used the aloe plant for treating burns and healing wounds since ancient times. It is effective in relieving pain and inflammation and can be used to treat many skin disorders such as skin ulcers, eczema, and psoriasis.

* Healing Infections

The aloe plant contains anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents that help the body to protect itself against infections.

It also holds promise for treating AIDS since an immune-stimulating ingredient, acemannan, contained in aloe vera, has been shown in various studies to be active against HIV in test tubes.

* Other Uses of Aloe Vera

When taken internally, aloe vera supports the digestive system. It can be beneficial in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and aids in the treatment of stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, constipation, and all colon disorders.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What are the benefits that you can get from nutritional supplements?

Medicinal herbs are nature's healing gift to human kind. Herbs have been used medicinally throughout history by almost all the cultures of our world. But with the growth of mainstream medicine over the last 200 years, we have lost our deep connection with herbal remedies and we have lost the healthful balance that is the natural result of being in harmony with nature.

Before we delve into a consideration of some medicinal herbs, let's have a brief look at today's conventional answers to health problems, which may help enlighten the path to herbal health choices.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements? I can do without them, so do I really need to take them? I have heard this argument more than a dozen times before.

The problem with most people is that they base their health on how they feel. Just because you feel healthy and in perfect fit now, does not mean you do not need supplements.

When it suddenly strikes - an illness, a health problem, a sign of old age, weakness - we begin to search for a dietary or herbal supplement to help us get out of the hole we have unfortunately dug for ourselves.

So, without further ado, the answer to this question is: yes, you do need nutritional supplements.

Nutritional deficiency is almost impossible to avoid in these modern times. With our busy lifestyle, the ever-tempting convenience of fast food, it is now very difficult to enjoy excellent daily nutrition.

Do you remember the food pyramid, and just how much of each food group you have to take? I am pretty sure you have entirely neglected them. Well, except if you are one of the rare species of health buffs left standing.

This is not to say, though, that health supplements should replace proper nutrition. Besides, nutritional supplements are still supplements. They work by complementing your diet to make sure you get the right nutrients that you need.

I admit that it is difficult, even for me, to stay away from fast foods or non-fresh foods. If your lifestyle and work conditions prevent you from having a nutritious diet, then your only hope for better illness-free health is a good dietary supplement.